Input data by slcand

This tutorial is for any NMEA 2000 converter that can connect via USB using slcand such as the devices available from CANable.

First of all you have to define the device using the Serial Serial app. Then return to this Canb Bus CAN Bus app and click Add device Add device in the slcand slcand tab:


Select the device you defined in the Serial Serial app and click OK:


From this moment you should receive data on your device. Select the item from the list and click check Check device traffic to confirm data entry:



Now we need to get this data to the Signal K server. Select the connection from the list and click sk Add Connection. The Signal K server will restart and you are done:



Go to the Signal K server administration interface to confirm that the connection is now active:


Check OpenCPN to make sure there is a connection to the Signal K server and you are getting data from your NMEA 2000 network.