Please send us your projects involving OpenPlotter and we will add them to this Hall of Fame.
Sigma 33 Build
- Description:
I wanted to build a system that took data from as many instruments on the boat as possible. I started by researching off the shelf systems and I found myself both underwhelmed by their features and appalled by their cost. I figured I must be able to DIY something of at least equal performance for a fraction of the cost. My search for a DIY solution lead me to OpenCPN, the opensource chart plotter software, I was immediately drawn to it’s versatility and how it mimicked the user interfaces I was used to on ship ECDIS systems. It didn’t take much longer to find and settle on OpenPlotter, a complete linux build incorporating OpenCPN and all the software required to ingest, process, and distribute NMEA data around the boat…
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Yacht server on board
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The yacht server data system is a Raspberry Pi based system, with main software OpenPlotter and OpenCPN. The design is based on an Internet of Things on Board (IoToB) approach with remote wireless sensors. Most of the server functions are done running OpenPlotter (which contain a SignalK server) and OpenCPN. The SignalK server accept SignalK messages (temperatures, levels etc) from the IoToB nodes around the yacht…
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UK OpenPlotter Build
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I have finally finished my first build of the my Openplotter computer, I say first build as I would like to build a custom PCB for the interfaces to the Pi, but I wanted to get everything together in one box and tested before I finalise my PCB design…
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The Boat PC
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In late 2015 I was doing my usual head-scratching about what gifts to get various family members for the holiday season. My wife mentioned making something electronic for my father-in-laws boat, and after a few hours of collecting thoughts came up with an idea…
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Uredd II installation
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Uredd is the boats name, it is Norwegian and translates to Brave…
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